CTmatador Review – The Ideal Way to Stick to the Basics

Are you attracted to the modern features that most online trading platforms like to offer? If you do, I advise you to look deep into them and find out if they offer you any value. You don’t want to be lured into signing up with great features that you won’t use while trading. You should pay for only the features that you will really use as a trader. My CTmatador review focuses on this platform because I think it sticks to the basics and yet offers you something that really furnishes value to you and every other trader out there.

What do I mean when I say that CTmatador is sticking to the basics in an ideal way? I am sure you will find out when you read this complete review.

A Modern Platform with Great Compatibility

Let’s talk about the first thing that should matter to you when you sign up with a company i.e. the trading platform. The trading platform you get from this trading services provider is compatible with all your modern devices. Whether you are using a desktop computer, tablet, laptop, or a smartphone, you will be able to use this trading software with ease. In addition to that, you should know that it is compatible with all the latest operating systems, whether they are mobile or desktop operating system does not matter.

This trading platform offers you all the price and volume charts right on the dashboard. Furthermore, you can tap into the economic calendar that tells you when the most important events are taking place in the future. Some automation is also available on this platform, allowing you to automate certain mundane tasks and getting the most out of your each trading day.

Lots of Assets and Flexibilities

The flexibilities of trading and the assets you can trade on CTmatador make it one of the best ones out there. I have seen other companies that have big asset indexes, but this one excels by a big margin. Let me tell you the assets that you can trade with this company: indices, stocks, forex currency pairs, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, energies, minerals, etc. Within these asset categories, you will have a variety of assets that you can trade. If you take the example of cryptocurrencies, you can trade Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin, etc.

The good thing is that you can trade the way you prefer. If you like to trade with leverages, you have that option available. With tight margins and very thin spreads, you can really expect some great profits on your trades. Not that the company will increase your profits, but not a lot will go away from your profit in the name of spreads, service charges, fees, etc. I have to say that this trading platform gives you some of the best trading conditions to start your trading career.

Safety and Security in All Forms

I wouldn’t write this CTmatador review if it had the best features in the world but not security or safety options. Safety is the most important concern for me and should be for you if you are a trader or thinking about becoming one. When you give out your banking details, driver’s license number, and other personal details on the website, you have to be sure that they will be safe. CTmatador has a safe website with SSL certificates and proper encryption standards in place.

In addition to that, the company follows the policy of moving trader funds into segregated accounts, which are maintained at regulated bank only.

Final Thoughts

Sticking to the basics might have some negative connotation for some, but I can tell you that this company takes the basics seriously. It offers you a trading platform that is not embellished with bells and whistles, but rather equipped with trading tools and features that you really need. With a demo account at your disposal, I am sure you will not mind starting with this company risk-free.

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